Monday, June 8, 2009

GBS Honors Students & Staff - Courtyard Vision Now Reality

On Thursday, May 28, 2009, Principal Wegley and Glenbrook South formally thanked Horticulture and Advanced Woods students who designed and beautified the courtyard. A product of the dedication and leadership of state champion Horticulture teacher, Mr. Jeff Yordy, woods teacher Mr. Dave Hill and maintenance electrician, Mr. Dave Molidor, this space will serve generations of students to come.

The gazebo materials were donated by gifts from several senior classes. Numerous friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Walter Lamble made donations to purchase flowers and bushes to complete the landscaping. This work realized Dr. Lamble's vision to create a central location to bring the GBS Family together each year.

Thank you to District 225 Board Members Mr. Joel Taub and Mr. Jeffrey Wolfson who helped celebrate this occasion and to Ms. Bernice Kirchler from the principal's office for working to put this wonderful ceremony together.