Monday, April 28, 2008

GBS Junior Qualifies for US National Chemistry Olympiad

Michael Tarczon, a GBS junior, is one of 20 students in the nation to qualify for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad this summer.

In order to qualify for this prestigious honor, Michael took a four and a half hour exam which consisted of a 60 item Multiple Choice section covering broad Chemistry topics, an 8 item Free Response section consisting of multi-step problems requiring in depth knowledge of chemical theories and models, and a Lab Practical involving open-ended problem solving in the lab.

Michael is invited to attend a two week intensive study camp held at the U.S. Naval Academy in Colorado Springs at the beginning of June. The top four students from the camp will then go on to represent the U.S. in the International Chemistry Olympiad in late July.

Congratulations Michael.