Monday, December 22, 2008
Cast for V-Show!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Glenbrook South High School & District 225 Closed on Friday, December 19, 2008
A list of events along with their status for Friday, December 19th and Saturday, December 20th will be on the GBS website and will be updated throughout the day on Friday and Saturday.
Please check our website throughout the day and any changes to this schedule will be posted.
Have a safe and relaxing break Glenbrook South!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
GBN & GBS Students Receive Heartfelt Appreciation
Please extend our heartfelt appreciation to the students of Glenbrook North and Glenbrook South High Schools who participated in this year's canned food drive. The Northfield Township Food Pantry is grateful to be one of the organizations that benefit from this effort.
The Pantry assists Township residents who are unable to provide enough food for themselves and their families. Currently, over 420 families, representing over 1,200 people, are eligible to visit the Pantry each month. Canned food items are the foundation of our food distribution. Each year we are amazed at the number of cans that the students collect. We receive enough canned vegetables to last until next year's drive.
The Pantry relies entirely on support from the community in order to provide this much-needed assistance. It is comforting to know that the young people in our community support our belief that Hunger is Unacceptable in Our Community.
A special thank you to the organizers of this event. We know the hard work and time it takes to organize a food drive and we are grateful to them for all they do to make this event a success.
On behalf of the people who turn to the Pantry each month for assistance please thank the students who participated in this food drive. Their hard work and commitment to helping our neighbors in need is truly appreciated.
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.
Sincerely,Jill A. BrickmanSupervisor
cc: Brian Wegley Paul Pryma
3801 West Lake Avenue • Glenview, Illinois 60026 • Phone 847.724.8300 • Fax 847.724.8310
Monday, December 15, 2008
Santa's Elves Program

Computer & Medical Equipment Recycling Drive
TIME: 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
LOCATION: GBS Front Drop Off Lane (Off Lake & Phingsten)
The Glenbrook South Interact Club, together with United Cerebral Palsy of Chicago are conducting a Computer Electronics and Durable Medical Equipment Drive to help benefit students with disabilities. It is definitely a WIN/WIN proposition. If you have old computer equipment which is not being used or any durable medical equipment like crutches, wheel chairs, walkers, etc., they can be refurbished and put to use by child or an adult with a disability. You will receive documentation of your donation for tax purposes and your old hard drive memory will be removed.
So if you're planning on an upgrade this Holiday Season or if you have some computer or medical equipment that is not being used, please consider this opportunity. Donations will be accepted on January 10, 2009.
If you would like documentation of your donation for tax purposes, please drop your equipment off the morning of January 10, between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm.
Volunteers will be on site to help you.
· PC Pentium or higher
· Apple G3 or higher
· Printers · Monitors
· Modems
· Hard Drives
· 3.5 Disk Drives
· CD-Rom Drives
· Peripherals
· Software (originals only)
· Keyboards
· Mouse
· Power cords and Cables
· Fax Machines
· Cell Phones C
· Canes
· Crutches
· Walkers
· Wheelchairs
· Standers
· Therapeutic Equipment
Click here for specific information, or call: Mark Gallagher (GBS Interact Club): 847-486-4689 Greg Grill (United Cerebral Palsy Of Greater Chicago): 708-444-8460 x231
Thank you for your help GBS Family.
Peer Mentors Raise Money for Youth Services
Thank you to Ms. Jaeger, the special education department and the families of the Peer Mentors who donated baked goods and made their goal a reality. Well done!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
GBS Seeks Nominations for the 2009 Distinguished Alumnus Award
Please send your nomination to Dr. James Shellard, Assistant Principal/Student Activities, Glenbrook South High School, 4000 West Lake Avenue, Glenview, 60026. The deadline for nominations is February 15, 2009; the award will be presented at graduation.
Friday, December 5, 2008
The GBS Comedy Sportz has been chosen to attend the Illinois High School Theatre Festival at the Krannert Center, University of Illinois January 8-10,
Congratulations to Beth Barber and her Comedy Sportz crew for presenting at this festival!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Congratulations to the GBS Girl's Swimming Team for Earning 8th in the IHSA State Meet
Place winners included:
-Kelly Hagerty was the State Champion in the 50-Yard Freestyle with a time of 23:58.
-Kelly Hagerty also earned 3rd place in the 100-Yard Freestyle with a time of 50:79.
-Susan Bolt, Kate Dvornitsyn, Jillian Cordes, Kelly Hagerty took 8th place in the 200-Yard Freestyle Relay with a time of 1:37.86.
-Kate Dvornitsyn, Susan Bolt, Jillian Cordes, Kelly Hagerty earned 6th place in the 400-Yard Freestyle Relay with a time of 3:33.92.
All these times were All-American times. Congratulations again!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Three Students Earn Special Scholarship
This year neighboring school districts invited approximately 400 of their Latino students to take part in this summit, which was held at Harper College. During the summit, students listen to both a professional panel and a student panel. These panelists are all Latinos and go through great lengths to motivate students regarding school, college, obstacles faced, possibilities and ultimate triumphs if they continue with their education.
Students who have attended in the past are allowed to apply for a $500 scholarship as seniors. Some of the requirements are grades, G.P.A., economic need, contributions to school and community. Congratulations again to Aurea, Silvia and Martha who earned 3 of the 5 scholarships offered!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Senior Corinne Chin and Junior Buyana Ganbold Honored at Fall Journalism Convention
Senior Corinne Chin, along with only 116 other students from around the nation, earned a Superior in Review Writing.
Junior Buyana Ganbold was one of only 353 participants who earned an Honorable Mention in the Editorial Writing category.
Congratulations to Buyana and Corinne.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
THE CANDYMAN CAN GBS Canned Food Drive Underway Until Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Proceeds will be directed to local and national charitable efforts such as: the Onward House (a Chicago settlement house), the Northfield Township Food Pantry, and Vital Bridges. This activity will serve the important purpose of benefitting the people dependent on these organizations for food. The canned food drive will be held through November 25th. Our Student Council has set the ambitious goal of a school wide collection of 100,002 cans. Monetary donations will also be accepted and added to the overall total.
Once again we are offering competitions for period 1 class totals, grade totals, and club totals. Prizes will include a free breakfast for the top three period 1 classes and a pizza party for the top club.
Jim Wolter Honored as 2008 IHSSCA Person of the Year

His professionalism and philosophical ideals of “family, school, and soccer” resonates to his student-athletes and his entire coaching staff. This retired physical education teacher continues to educate the game on the areas of sportsmanship, technical ball skills, and being known as one of the best tacticians by his fellow peers. Jim lets the game come to him; he will ponder, execute new game plans, and makes adjustments so that his teams can simply compete in the ever tough Central Suburban League. As one coach said, “Jim simply gets the best out of his teams always, he may not always have the talent, but certainly they earn their respect and enjoy playing for a coach like him.”
Glenbrook South’s Principal Brian Wegley said “Jim Wolter’s passionate coaching for Glenbrook South High School over the past 28 years has focused on students’ growth as young men and as athletes. The positive foundation laid by Jim will serve our students for years into the future. I personally thank him for commitment and congratulate him on his retirement.”
Just this year, Jim has organized an IHSSCA clinic at Glenbrook South, attended the NSCAA Baltimore convention, organized a youth night, senior night, and a scholarship fundraiser, hosted regional playoffs, guided his boys team to the finals at the Rockton-Hononegah Indian State Cup Tournament, ran his 24th Annual Titan “Warm-Up” Invitational, and worked the Winning Mood Dutch camp in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this past summer.
Jim exudes the spirit and principles of our coaching association. From his humility, passion for competition, and insight from watching professional or collegiate matches, it brings a whole new perspective for at least 500 student-athletes he has taught in his coaching tenure. Hence, this only exemplifies the positive image that Jim Wolter brings for his nomination for Soccer Person of the Year and the Illinois High School Soccer Coaches Association (IHSSCA).
(Written by Seong Ha for IHSSCA – Soccer Person of the Year)
Stew Witwer visits GBS!

When he's not acting, he sings in "The Crashtones" which released the CD "Colorful of the Stereo" in 2006. He also voices and physicalizes the emporer's secret apprentice in the video game "The Force Unleashed" for LucasArts.
If you want to find out the latest on Stew, visit his website at
Sunday, November 9, 2008
GBS Debators Dominate at University of Michigan Tournament
Sophomores Colin Bianchi and Mitchell Bigelow finished second in the first-year division out of 70 teams from 10 states.
As a whole, GBS Debate had seven teams place at the tournament.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The GBS Family Dreamt Big and Surpassed our $100,000 Goal to Support Youth Services
GBS TV, under the direction of Mr. Mark Ferguson put on a professional grade show for this exceptional cause. In addition, Annie Kraus and Andrew McCarthy were the Master of Ceremonies in the Auditorium for the duration. Nancy Bloom from Youth Services also inspired us through the entire 24-hour event at GBS. She specifically shared her gratitude to students Annie Kraus and Kristin Olson for all they added to the planning team for this telethon.
Thank you to all within the GBS Family and Youth Services who helped make this dream a reality. Students painted a mural, entertained us with their musical gifts and shared their hearts as only Glenbrook South can. Faculty and staff shared the opportunities they provide students within their classrooms and beyond. Rich Winship and his amazing stage crew also created a terrific performance space throughout the entire show. Finally, thank you to all those in our outstanding community who helped give to support Youth Services. Take a look at businesses who donated food to this event to energize all involved.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
GBS Girls' Volleyball Team Earns Regional Championship - Next Game Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pledge to Help GBS Support Youth Services from Noon to Noon Beginning Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
GBS Pep Club Featured on - Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
GBS Boys' Cross Country Team Earns 5th in IHSA Regional
Good luck Titans!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
GBS Cheerleaders Raise Money for Breast Cancer Awareness & Thank GBS Family
They topped off their volunteer services by taking part in the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk" this past weekend in Rockford. They and a thousand of other walkers all gathered together toward a common goal: the day when breast cancer no longer affects those we love. Again, they would like to thank everybody who contributed and made a difference. Remember, Hope starts with you!! Thank you Glenbrook South Family!!
GBS Marching Band Earns 3rd at Marching llini Competition
Specific finishes included:
- 1st in Outstanding Percussion
- 2nd in Outstanding Guard
- 3rd in parade
- 3rd in Field Show
Congratulations again to the GBS band!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
GBS Titan Football Earns 4th Seed in State Playoff Birth
Good luck to the Titans as they take on Schaumburg H.S. at GBS in the first round of the IHSA football playoffs this week. The game is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. Come out and support our Titans!
A Midsummer Night's Dream at GBS Wednesday - Saturday
Performances are: Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 29 & 30, at 7:30p.m.; Friday, Oct 31, at 4:00 p.m.; and Saturday, Nov. 1, at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Visits The Glenbrooks on Monday, October 27, 2008
On Monday, October 27, U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Rich Williamson will be presenting a discussion on the crisis in Darfur. The presentation will be held in the CPA at Glenbrook North, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Williamson holds an influential place in the United States government, especially in dealing with foreign affairs. He has served in senior positions under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush as the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations at the Department of State, and an Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs.
Ambassador Williamson has been on the ground in Sudan, as well as in Darfur. He is the highest ranking United States official addressing the genocide in Sudan today. This opportunity is an exceptional chance for all of us to learn what the United States is actually doing to prevent violence and bring peace to the Sudan.
Please come to this event, and encourage your students to do so as well.
If you have any questions, please call Matt Whipple in the Social Studies Department at ext. 4496. Thank you for supporting this extraordinary opportunity and helping to raise our community’s awareness of this ongoing genocide.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dan Seals & Mark Kirk Addressed GBS Students on Monday, October 20, 2008
Each candidate gave an overview of how they first became involved in seeking political office, then presented an overview of their positions on critical issues facing the nation. The majority of the 50 minute session was devoted to answering student questions about such topics as the war in Iraq, ways to resolve the current financial crisis, energy policy, affordable health care, national security issues, stem cell research, and the high cost of college education. Students enjoyed listening to two dynamic candidates who have dedicated themselves to serving the public good. Both candidates seemed to enjoy the thoughtfulness of the questions presented by GBS students.

Two Young GBS Golfers Place at State
*Sophomore Steve Petchenk shot a 73 on Friday and an 82 on Saturday for a 155. This score earned him 35th place overall.
*Freshman Quinn Prchal shot an 80 on Friday and a 76 on Saturday. This score earned him 38th place overall.
Congratulations to these two boys, our coaches and to our boys' golf team for a great season.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
GBS Takes on IVD Challenge

During the October 5th weekend they had a very successful performance run in Detroit. During the week of October 13th they will be showing off their car to over 300 Attea and Springman students. Work is still ongoing as students will now add the GPS portion along with a set of informational LEDs and ITW's switch. Good luck to the team as they then head to the Convergence Conference in Detroit from October 20, 2008 through October 22, 2008 to show their car to real automotive engineers. Thank you to our teachers, ITW and Oakton C.C. for making this opporunity available for our students.
GBS Clubs Make Blankets for Service Men and Women

Julie Spellman, one of the GBS Circle of Friends sponsors, shared that she loves these events because, "in times that make us feel helpless, service reminds us that there is always hope, especially when we unite together." Thank you to our GBS students who gave their time to make blankets, and thank you to all members of the GBS family who give to others selflessly.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
JKB Leadership Breakfast

In addition, our JKB student leaders put on sessions on Stereo Typing and Team Unity, Role Models and the Lou Holtz Questions and The Helping Skill.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
GBS vs. GBN Soccer & Great Cause - Saturday, September 27, 2008
More importantly, in cooperation with the boys/girls soccer programs and peer groups of each school, we will collecting funds for the Jennifer L. Snyder Scholarship Fund.
Jennifer, a student at Glenbrook North High School, tragically passed away last month as a member of the Glenbrook United soccer team. Peer group leaders will be coming around with cups to collect funds, in return, a Moe's Southwest Grill discount coupon and a raffle ticket will be given for halftime. Those who can not attend, a Chicago Fire bucket will placed in our Business Education office in Room 182.
Hope to see you on this special night and GO TITANS!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Summer Reading Discussion and Celebration

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
GBS Students Serve During Storm

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Bus Routes Changes due to Weather
Route 1S
Sequoia & Silverwillow
Silverwillow & Blackthorn
Blackthorn & Redbud
Will all be picked up at Talltrees & Sequoia at 7:25
Route 3S
Chestnut Ave & Enterprise
Enterprise & Fielding
Thistle & Independence
Patriot & Independence
Lake & Goldenrod
1st Ave & Buccaneer
West Lake & Monterey
Will all have the same stop – up to 10 minutes later than normal
Route 5S
Students currently on:
Country Ln & Long Valley
Central Pkwy & Spring Rd
1506 Central Pkwy
Country Ln & Locust
Locust Ln & Crabtree Ln
Can take any of the Following:
Overlook and Country 7:17 a.m.
Overlook and Crabtree
Overlook and Henneberry
Overlook & Clyde 7:20 a.m.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Summer Reading Discussion and Celebration
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Construction Continues on Pfingsten
Please continue to give yourself plenty of time to enter school during this construction. Though they have worked well with GBS and are avoiding our most busy times, there will certainly be some disruption to traffic along Pfingsten.
We thank Johnson's Paving for continuing to keep us informed and for working to minimize the impact on our families during this badly needed roadwork.
Monday, September 1, 2008
2008 Spirit Assembly Boosts GBS to Big Win
The GBS Band played. The GBS Poms, De La Cru and our Cheerleaders all danced a group number and Coach Noll addressed our entire student body after the football team rushed the field through the band's gauntlet and led GBS in the singing of our school song.

Students were outstanding and our cheers reached Glenbrook North - which our football team defeated 35 to 7 on Friday night.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Power Outage and Early Release
At this point in time, power has been restored and school will be in session tomorrow. Athletic events will occur this evening as will the regularly scheduled band practice.
Thank you to the Glenview Police Department and the Glenbrook South faculty and staff for their outstanding help keeping our students safe during this time. Thank you also to our students and families for their orderly and respectful response to this situation.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
School Begins - Pfingsten Paving
Welcome to the 2008 – 2009 school year! I am truly excited for this year and look forward to all our students will accomplish academically and within our extracurricular offerings.
School begins Wednesday, August 27, 2008. As you know Pfingsten Road continues to be resurfaced. Though GBS has communicated our start and end times with Cook County’s paving company to minimize the impact this needed work has on our families, please leave yourselves plenty of time for travel to and from school. Please also be patient and begin this year safely.
I will continue to email updates on work schedules as they are received from the paving company. We have been told that no lanes will be closed near the high school tomorrow, but note that there are no distinct lane lines, so please drive carefully.
Our athletic season is up and running and we wish all our teams well. This Friday our boys' soccer team plays Lake View at home at 5:30 p.m. and our football team plays GBN at GBN at 7:00 p.m. Please come out and support our teams. Students, remember that Fridays are spirit days. Please fill our halls with blue and gold clothing.
Here’s to a great year!
With Titan Pride,
Brian K. Wegley
Monday, May 26, 2008
GBS Tennis Team Takes 11th in State
Congratulations to coach Larry Faulkner and the entire tennis team.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
GBS Girls' Soccer Team wins Sectional
During Monday's playoff game the team ended their season to St. Ignatius. Congratulations to our team for their outstanding season.
The girls accomplishments this year include:
* 18-game unbeaten streak
* 12-game winning streak
* 21-3-1 overall record (NEW SCHOOL RECORD)
* IHSA Sectional Title - 1997 and 2008.
Thank you Titans!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
GBS Boys' Water Polo Team Earns 3rd in State
Monday, May 12, 2008
GBOC Teacher Anne Blair Named National Association of Special Education Teachers' Outstanding Special Education Teacher
This award is bestowed on special education teachers who have demonstrated outstanding achievement as a teacher in the field of special education. It recognizes and rewards the special skills and excellence of special education teachers throughout the United States.
Candidates are judged based upon the following criteria:
- Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- Engagements with Students in Educational Activities (outside of classroom)
- Other Demonstrations of Quality Teaching
- Relationships with Students, Parents, Colleagues, Administrators, etc.
- Teaching Honors, Awards, or Recognition
- Teaching Innovations
- Service (outside of classroom)
- Community Service
- Other Areas of Service
Service Honors, Awards, or Recognition - Service to Professional Organizations
- Service within School District
Professional Activities - Awards and/or Certifications
- Membership/Participation in Professional Organizations
- Other Contributions to the Profession
- Professional Development and/or Continued Education Publication
- Research
Congratulations Ms. Blair.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Students in the Advanced Television Production Class Place in the Chicagoland Student Video Festival
GBSreturned home with several impressive achievements:
Logan Cascia returned with three awards:2nd place in dramatic narrative with "Outre."1st place in humorous narrative with “The Chaotic Adventures of Ed the Pencil”and finally, Logan won the prestigious $500 Nadine Sterk Scholarship for Excellence in Television Production.
Greg Kubik and Jack Sormaz placed first in video documentary with their "Mission for Mississippi" video. The documentary tells of the Interact Club's trip to Mississippi to work with Habitat for Humanity building homes for people who lost their's in Hurricane Katrina.
Naoki Izumo placed 1st in the Commercial Production.
Jackie Durment placed 3rd in Live Performing Arts Directing.
Andrew Austin and Sara Levi placed 2nd in the News Feature category with "The Making of Chaos."
Mark Helenowski placed 3rd in the News Story category for his story: "Tommy Faust: A Titan Hero."
Dan Kruzel bought home two awards: 3rd place in the video documentary category for his feature on ceramics teacher Kurt Webb; and 2nd place in Live Performing Arts Directing.
Congratulations GBS Advanced Television and Mark Ferguson.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Solace and Nine Audition Results
We listened to over 70 singers.
Below are the names of the members
of the new Solace and NINE 2008-09
Danielle DeWitt
Alexis Ekeberg
Sarah Gamalinda
Smitha James
Anna Karadzhova
Emily Nichols
Kristin Olsen
Catherine Poulos
Traci Sarli
Katie Zarletti
Dan Carson
Neil Carson
Michael Cullum
Ryan Kirby
Arun Kousik
Josh Propp
Jim Ryan
John Splithoff
Jimmy Villaflor
Friday, May 9, 2008
GBS Horticulture Team wins 18th State Championship
Members who competed included:
- Dimple Rana (2nd place in state)
- Erin McBride (3rd place in state)
- Luke Hampton (6th place in state)
- Ieva Pucinskaite
- Crystal Collado
- Auri Mujica
- Bridget Ieronimo
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Grammy Presentation Wednesday, May 7th
According to their press release, "The National GRAMMY Signature School will receive $10,000, and the two remaining Gold schools each will receive $5,000. The recipients are determined by a panel of top music educators and professionals."
Congratulations to our music program for the well deserved honor of being the National GRAMMY Signature School. State Representative Elizabeth Coulson is putting forth a resolution in the Illinois House of Representatives on Thursday, May 1, 2008 and Village President Kerry Cummings is putting forth a resolution in the Village of Glenview on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 to celebrate this significant honor.
A ceremony to honor this amazing accomplishment will occur on May 7, 2008. There will be a press conference at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Center at Glenbrook South followed by an awards ceremony at 7:00 p.m. in the Watson Auditorium. The ceremony will include special arrangements by the music department and the Grammy presentation. The regularly scheduled band concert will follow.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
GBS Radio Placed 3rd in National John Drury Radio Awards
Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Oswald and the entire radio program.
GBS Boys' Gymnastics Team Qualifies for State
The boys listed below also qualified to compete for individual honors at the state meet on Saturday, May 10th. To qualify for competition for individual honors one must be an out-right qualifier by placing in the top five finishers on an event in the sectional meet or qualify at-large by being in the top 25 scores of all gymnasts who competed in the sectional meets who did not qualify out-right.
Individual Qualifiers:
- Senior Steve Deutsch: all around, floor, pommels, rings, vault, parallel bars and high-bar
- Senior Joe Giallombardo: all around, parallel bars, rings, vault, parallel bars and high-bar
- Senior Alex Gerena: rings
- Senior Andy Park: parallel bars
- Freshman Adam Klosowiak: floor, vault and high-bar
Thursday, May 1, 2008
GBS Math Team - 8th in ICTM State Competition
The Freshmen-Sophomore “2-person team” took 8th place in the state.
The Junior Team took 3rd place.
The Junior-Senior 8 person team took 4th place.
The Calculator team took 3rd place.
Oralist, Winston Luo, took 3rd place.
The Senior Team took 2nd place in the state!
Special individual awards at the competition went to:
2nd place Junior, Michael Tarczon
2nd place Senior, Winston Luo
A special congratulations go to Ben Barber, Joseph Kim, Winston Luo, Jordan Nach, Danie Rajchwald, and Matt Sada for the highest finish by the Senior team in school history. Congratulations to our Seniors and to the entire math team for an outstanding season!
GBS Radio Takes Third at John Drury
Caitlin Staniec & Brian Siegel- 1st Place Sportscast "University of Florida Athletics"
Courtney Cronin- 2nd Place Sportscast "Varsity Men's Basketball Preview"
Brian Foss- 2nd Place News Feature Story "Silencing Schools"
Andrew McCarthy, Robbie Levin, Michelle Nitahara, Kevin Brownell, Kevin Pratt, Margret Juravic, Ian Pragovich, Carolyn Miller- 2nd Place Radio Drama "Non-Sequitur"
Jackson Garvey, Courtney Cronin, Alex Goslin- 3rd Place Sports Play-by-Play "New Trier at GBS Hoops"
Congratulations to Dr. Oswald and the GBS Radio crew!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
GBS Music on Channel 11 WTTW
Thank you all for sharing your talents.
Titan Pom Tryout Information
Monday, April 28, 2008
GBS Junior Qualifies for US National Chemistry Olympiad
In order to qualify for this prestigious honor, Michael took a four and a half hour exam which consisted of a 60 item Multiple Choice section covering broad Chemistry topics, an 8 item Free Response section consisting of multi-step problems requiring in depth knowledge of chemical theories and models, and a Lab Practical involving open-ended problem solving in the lab.
Michael is invited to attend a two week intensive study camp held at the U.S. Naval Academy in Colorado Springs at the beginning of June. The top four students from the camp will then go on to represent the U.S. in the International Chemistry Olympiad in late July.
Congratulations Michael.
GBS Journalism Team - 4th in State
GBS has two new individual state champions: Senior Mike Anderson in Newspaper Design and Senior Amy Lewin in Advertising Design!
Junior Corinne Chin took home two individual 4th-place awards in Feature Writing and Review Writing.
Monday, April 21, 2008
GBS Journalism Team Finishes 3rd in Sectional
Finishers in the top three of any given category qualify for the state competition at Eastern Illinois University this coming Saturday:
- Corinne Chin, 6th place, review writing
- Mina Shankar, 5th place, headline writing
- Hannah Madans, 5th place, yearbook copy writing
- Najah Bhatty and Ali Peera, 5th place, yearbook theme development
- Marissa Perlman, 3rd place, news writing
- Amy Lewin, 3rd place, advertising design
- Corinne Chin, 3rd place, feature writing
- Mike Anderson, 2nd place, newspaper design
- Jeff Benjamin, 1st place, feature photography
- Mike Anderson, 1st place, editorial writing
Good luck to Marissa, Amy, Corinne, Jeff, and Mike at state!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
GBS Debate Coach Tara Tate Named 2008 Educator of the Year
There were seven nominations from all over the country and the organization announced the winner this past weekend. The award recognizes one debate coach in the country each year who, according to the description, "has had substantial impact on the debate community through their service, commitment to students, and teaching. The recipient is not one who merely coaches their students to win but truly defines what it means to be an educator in this community."
Congratulations to Ms. Tate for this well deserved honor.
Monday, April 14, 2008
WFMT (98.7 FM) To Broadcast GSO Concert on Saturday, May 17, 2008
The GSO was the first high school group to be approached or selected for this new program. After WFMT reviewed the concert they were thrilled at the prospect of broadcasting the program. WFMT has also interviewed students who will also be featured on this program.
WFMT is an extremely influential music station and is streamed live around the world over the Internet. Being selected to be aired is a huge honor - being the first group to "set the bar" is an even bigger deal. Congratulations to our accomplished GSO students, to our director Carl Meyer and to our assistant director Kristin Wagner. Please enjoy their talent on Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 8:00 a.m.
Bryan Paynter Remembered & Honored by the GBS Boys' Volleyball Team

Bryan was a 2004 GBS graduate who was a member of the 2003 Volleyball State Champion Titans. He came back last year and was a member of our coaching staff. His life was taken on February 11 of this year after a three year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma.
The celebration was attended by Bryan's wife, parents, brother & other family members as well as many friends. There were performances by Solace, Nine & the GBS band.
With the help of the attendees, the boys volleyball team raised a total of $3,030, all of which will be donated directly to the American Cancer Society. The night was capped by a great Titan victory over the Loyola Ramblers in 2 games.
The GBS Boys Volleyball Team & it's staff would like to thank all for their help and support.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Four GBS Students Honored at Glenview's Civic Awards Dinner
Chris Lopresti was named as this year's Glenview Youth of the Year. Not only did Chris been an outstanding student, he has been an exemplary leader and person. His leadership is exemplified by this year's Canned Food Drive collection of 130,819 cans! In all facets of this canned food drive, Chris was always there to lend a hand and to work with others to keep them involved. High school leaders often feel that if they do it themselves, then they are effective leaders. However, Chris has grasped the concept in sharing the leadership and investing in others to help reach a goal. Chris is an outstanding young man who is most deserving of this honor.
Tom Foust, Zach Demertzis & Tyler Brown were all recognized with the Public Service Award for their bravery in saving a passenger from a car struck twice by oncoming trains. Their quick thinking resulted in the passenger being pulled from her car that was stuck on the railroad tracks.
Congratulations to these four outstanding Titans!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
GBS Loses Beloved Mathematics Teacher and Coach - Mr. Jeffrey L. Aaron
In addition, the Jeffrey L. Aaron Memorial Scholarship Fund has been set up to honor Jeff's memory. All contributions should be sent to Glenbrook South High School.
Jeff Aaron unexpectedly passed away on March 17, 2008 at his home. Jeff was an outstanding mathematics teacher, and devoted coach who positively influenced those around him, especially at Glenbrook South High School where he served for 31 years.
Jeff was a wonderfully warm and caring person, well loved by his peers and by his students. Always generous with his time, Jeff held review sessions on weekends and holidays before major exams for his students often at local coffee houses. He contributed to the school over the years as a coach, activities sponsor, member of the Student Assistance Core Team, representative on the Teacher’s Advisory Forum and was a staple at our basketball games as an announcer.
A student shared that "Mr. Aaron gained the respect that he did because of his work not only in the classroom, but in the hearts of each and every one of his students."
A parent shared her reflections, “Jeff ~ such a kind, selfless person who definitely put everyone before himself, loved his job as a teacher, enjoyed and respected all his students, and again, a very rare and remarkable person & excellent role model for us all.”
Glenbrook South High School will always treasure Jeff’s legacy of care and involvement. We were fortunate to have him in our lives. He will be sorely missed.
GBS Junior Earns Caring Hearts Award
Katelyn was nominated for this award by the Glenbrook South Interact Club, which is a group of over 200 juniors and seniors who provide financial and volunteer assistance to a wide variety of community organizations.
During the fall of 2007 Katelyn participated in numerous events including a community paint-a-thon, clean-up of the Lake Michigan shoreline, and babysitting for physically and mentally challenged children.
Congratulations, Katelyn!
Katelyn's accomplishment was noted in the March 19th Daily Herald newspaper.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
GBS Debate Earns State Championship

GBS was the only school to have multiple teams in the elite eight...we had THREE. Juniors Colin Quinn and Alec Zimmer finished fifth.
Thibeau and Day are SOPHOMORES...there has not been a sophomore team in recent history that has been crowned state champions. Thibeau and Day are also the only team in Illinois' recent history to win all three state titles at the varying age levels. They were state champions last year in the freshmen division and won the Junior Varsity and Varsity state titles this year.
Two GBS Students Named to All-State Group Interpretation Cast
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Jack Cooley Earns All-State Honors
Congratulations again to Jack Cooley and to the basketball program who devoted themselves to the team and helped him earn this distinction.
Friday, March 14, 2008
GBS State Champion and Coach on ABC with Diane Sawyer April 9, 2008

A professor at Carnegie Mellon, Randy Pausch gave the August 2007 speech in “The Last Lecture Series,” an annual tradition at the university in which a professor delivers a speech as though it were the last lecture he would ever give. In Pausch’s case, he delivered the speech one month after learning that efforts to cure his pancreatic cancer had failed and the doctors projected he had 3-6 months of good health left. Although he gave the speech in front of 400 friends and relatives, he wrote and gave the speech for his three young children. The speech reflects Pausch’s beliefs on living life and has become wildly popular as a motivational guide.
Nate Beasley won the State Championship in oratorical declamation based on an edited version of Pausch’s now famous speech. Coach Scott McDermott had learned of the speech on the Internet and selected Beasley to base his speech on “The Last Lecture.” Beasley had to take a 90-minute speech and distill it down to eight minutes of the messages that Beasley found most important to him. Beasley got it down to ten minutes and Coach McDermott helped trim it to 8 minutes, the maximum time in state competition. The impact of the speech has become a phenomenon and apparently will be the theme of the Diane Sawyer special. Beasley’s state championship and how it affected Beasley is an example of the impactfulness of the speech on young people. In addition, another speech student, Billy Sterrett from Naperville Central High School, was also interviewed for the special.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
GBS Debate - JV State Champs
Two GBS Debate teams tied for fifth place as well - juniors Stacy Kapustina and sophomores Phil Sailer, Jaret Kanarek, and Jack McLeod were quarterfinalists. Kapustina and sophomore John Zhao were also in the top ten speakers.
GBS also placed third in the state in Novice Policy Debate, the division for first-year debaters.
Freshmen Philip Han and Jonathan Choi placed third in the state in the first-year division and were also in the top ten speakers.
Freshmen Kathy Nalepka and Sam Kim took fifth place in the division.
Good luck to the GBS Debate Team as the State Championship series wraps up this weekend. The Varsity team competes for the IHSA State title in Springfield, IL.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
GBS Students Recognized as Debate Academic All-Americans
Congratulations to our Debate program and students.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
GBS Teachers and Students Participate in High Energy Physics Initiatives
Read Fermilab's Press Release.
In addition, in mid-March GBS will be taking approximately 10 students to Argonne National Labs for a one-day, interactive video-conference on the future of particle physics as CERN (the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or European Council for Nuclear Research) comes online in April of 2008. Our students will participate with students at 14 other laboratories from around the country learning from and being able to ask questions of physicists about the goals and hopes of this new accelerator in Europe. Also, some of our students have applied to serve as one of four student teams who will be selected as student journalists and travel to Switzerland for the opening ceremonies of CERN's new particle accelerator. They will find out next week if they have been selected.
Monday, March 3, 2008
GBS Speech Team Members Qualify for Nationals
- Laura Manning - 1st Place Dramatic Interpretation- She earned 10 out of 11 perfect ranks on the day. Laura, becomes GBS's first 4 time National Qualifier in speech. Additionally, Laura received the Northern Illinois District Participant of the Year- a first time award given out to the student who has contributed the most in speech, school and beyond. Most remarkably, Laura finished first with a different piece than she had finished 2nd with at the IHSA state tournament two weeks earlier.
- Nate Beasley - 2nd Place Dramatic Interpretation- 9 of 12 perfect ranks in the day.
- Lea Hirsch - 1st Place in Original Oratory.
- Pat Lawrie - 2nd Place in Humorous Interpretation.
Three of these exceptional students are first time qualifiers, while Laura will represent GBS at the National Tournament for the 4th time.
Congratulations to our entire speech team and coaches for their season and good luck at nationals.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Boys Basketball Sectional at GBN
The schedule of games is as follows:
Mon., Feb. 25
Game 1 at 6:00 p.m.: (13) Arlington Heights (St. Viator) 55 vs. (20) Franklin Park (Leyden) 35
Game 2 at 8:00 p.m.: (12) Glenview (Glenbrook South) 64 vs. (21) Elk Grove Village (E.G.) 56
Tue. Feb. 26
Game 3 at 7:30 p.m.: (4) Northbrook (Glenbrook North) 65 vs. (13) Arlington Heights (St. Viator) 67
Wed., Feb. 27
Game 4 at 7:30 p.m.: (5) Wilmette (Loyola Academy) 57 vs. (12) Glenview (Glenbrook South) 54
Fri., Feb. 29
Game 5 at 7:30 p.m.: (13) Arlington Heights (St. Viator) 64 vs. (5) Wilmette (Loyola Academy) 67
Admission is $4.00 available at the door one hour prior to game time. There will be no advance ticket sales.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Student Art Exhibit

Sunday, February 24, 2008
GBS Swimmers Earn 3rd in State!
- Colin Cordes (Sr.) took 2nd in the 100-Yard Backstroke and was the 200-Yard Freestyle State Champion!
- Ben Hengels (Jr.) took 3rd in the 200-Yard Individual Medley and 500-Yard Freestyle
- Dominik Cubelic (So.) took 5th in the 50-Yard Freestyle and 6th in the 100-Yard Freestyle
- Colin Cordes (Sr.), Ben Hengels (Jr.), Chris DeLetto (Jr.), and Dominik Cubelic (So.) took 2nd in the 200-Yard Freestyle Relay
- Colin Cordes (Sr.), Paul Hwang (Sr.), Dominik Cubelic (So.), and Ben Hengels (Jr.) took 5th in the 400-Yard Freestyle Relay
Congratulations to our entire team of dedicated swimmers and coaches which resulted in this outstanding accomplishment.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Brian Robinson, GBS Trainer, is the recipient of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award

Sunday, February 17, 2008
GBS Speech Team Takes 3rd in the State:
Nate Beasley was the State Champion in Oratorical Declamation. He also finished 4th in Prose Reading. This is the second year in a row that GBS has won Oratorical Declamation.
Laura Manning finished 2nd in Dramatic Interpretation and 4th in Dramatic Duet Acting with Patrick Lawrie. Laura is one of the most decorated GBS speech Team members ever, having finished first in Dramatic Interpretation last year and 3rd in Dramatic Duet Acting. On the national level, Laura finished 12th in Dramatic Interpretation as a sophomore, and 3rd as a junior. In two weeks, she has the chance to become a 4 time national qualifier, which is exceedingly rare.
Lea Hirsch finished 3rd in Original Oratory for the second year in a row. Her speech was regarded by many coaches as one of the best speeches in recent memory in the state.
Ellie Schott barely missed advancing to the final round in Humorous Interpretation. What makes her accomplishment extraordinary is that she had only been competing with her piece for 2 weeks.
Thank you to our students and coaches who demonstrated excellence and proudly represented GBS and District 225 with class and dignity.
GBS Swim Team Wins Sectional:
- Senior Colin Cordes won the 200-Yard Freestyle, and also won 100-Yard Backstroke.
- Junior Ben Hengels took first in the 500-Yard Freestyle and took second in the 200-Yard Individual Medley.
- Sophomore Dominick Cubelic took first and junior Chris DeLetto took second in the 50-Yard Freestyle. Dominick also took first in the 100-Yard Freestyle.
- Sophomore Woody Lord and freshman Adam Klosowiak took third and fourth in diving respectively.
- Ben Hengels, Colin Cordes, Dominick Cubelic and Chris DeLetto won the 200-Yard Freestyle Relay
- Ben Hengels, Ben Johnson, Paul Hwang and Colin Cordes won the 400-Yard Freestyle Relay.
View full results at this IHSA link. We wish this outstanding team luck at the state meet!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Colin Cordes Named Athlete of the Week
According to the Press Release, "On behalf of Chicago Region Toyota Dealer Association, Toyota, Chicago Tribune,, and WBBM we would like to congratulate the athlete, athlete’s parents and the school for having COLIN CORDES selected as Toyota High School Athlete of the Week." Read the entire Press Release.
Thank you to everyone who voted!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
GBS Students on CBS Morning News
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Phylea Anderson and Family Highlighted in Sun Times
The article, Discipline & maturity - Two qualities not easy to find are not hard to spot in Phylea and Lawrence Anderson by Tina Akouris shares insight into this committed and talented young lady and her father who currently serves in the military.
Please take a moment to read about her family and her plans on majoring in secondary education. Someday she wants to, "return to Glenbrook South as a teacher." "'This school has shaped who I've become,' she said. 'Many of the teachers and students have helped me along the way. This is a great school, and the people are genuine.''' As the article states, "So is she."
Congratulations to Phylea and her family.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Schedule Update
For the remainder of today, we will follow an abridged schedule in which the remaining periods (4 through 8) will meet for 35 minutes. There will be no open lunch. School will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. For those who normally take the bus, bus routes will be running.
The schedule for the remainder of the day will be:
Period 4 10:45 a.m. -11:20 a.m.
Period 5 11:25 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Period 6 12:05 p.m. - 12:40 p.m.
Period 7 12:45 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.P
eriod 8 1:25 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Glenbrook South Debaters Featured by NFL
The national organization, the National Forensic League have a feature story about the Titan debaters on their website. See pictures and commentary about the night! GBS debaters will also be featured in the organization's monthly publication, THE ROSTRUM, in its next edition.
2008 Variety Show Tickets on Sale Now!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Computer & Medical Equipment Recycling Drive Results

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Variety Show Cast Posting
Please come to an all cast meeting tomorrow - MONDAY (January 14th) in the auditorium at 3:30 p.m. for important
information about tickets and rehearsal schedule.
Group Name Selection
The Four Points Mischief Managed
Christine Mattappillil
Libby Snow
Joe Lewis
Kevin Daliva
The Drumline Street Drumming
Matt Kalas
Evan Kindle
Mike Basak
Jay Patel
Brian Foss
Alex Damayiotou
Peter Hughes
Andrea Cain
Juggling Club Madness Returns
Scott Sivright
Robert Giannini
Pierce Mackie
Phil Lewis
Nate Beasley
Somang Kim
Robby Shellard
Matt Gamalinda Drifting
Matt Gamalinda
RVD Back to Shalla-Bal
David Maeder
Ricky Hughey
Bryan Hughey
TBA Zoot Suit Riot
Chris LoPresti
Sydney Ferleger
Sophie Lefens
Annie Kraus
The Jazz Band
Sound of White Sweet Child O' Mine
Tracy Sarli
Danielle Dewitt
John Splithoff
Andrew Lothian
Ben Battaglia
Matt Kalas
Gavin O'Broin
Irony Ironic Sydney Ferleger
Andrew Lothian
Silhouettes of Angels in the Night Chaotic Doo Wop
Jim Ryan
Ryan Kirby
Arun Kousik
Scott Workman
Turner Topping
Robby Shellard
Pick up the Pieces
Mike Basak
Jimmy Villaflor
Casey Clint
Dan Carson
Neil Carson
Gavin O'Broin
FFG Born to be Wild
Bridget Ieronimo
Ted Hamel
Julie Halfen
Amrando Avila
Annie Gabuzzi
Jake Schmidt
Alex Hermann
Kris Smith
Hannah Thopson
Nick Betsoleiman
Andrew Spilious
Adrianne Tomasic
Olga and Lizzy Dances With Wood
Olga Fleysh
Lizzy Anderson
Solace Losing My Mind
Kathleen Lewis
Evelyn Choi
Karlee Naussbaum
Dolores Hacket
Kristin Olsen
Amy Peck
Amy Lewin
Katie Zarleti
Julia Skeggs
Alexis Ekeberg
Jules River Julia Skeggs
Cheerleading Cheer mix track #3
Alayna Bell Pace
Alex Ossey
Tara Leander
Carrie McCellan
Julia Estus
Jessica Klasser
Kate Quintos
Gabby Galemore
Robin Newert
Todrianna Thornton
Ragdoll Posse The Chaotic adv. Of Ed, the pencil
Julia Skeggs
Robbie Levin
Peter Collins
AJ Schub
Annie Yonnover
Holly Smith
Surreal Notes Are You happy now?
Amy Lewin
Kyle Kaminsky
John Splithoff
Jeff Sontag
Andrew Lothian
Gavin O'Broin
Matt Kalas
John Ferguson Theremin Solo John Ferguson
Nine Change the World
John Splithoff
Chris LoPresti
Jeff Sontag
John Nichols
Caleb Lawry
Dan Carson
Neil Carson
Jon Galanis
Andrew Lothian
The Lucky Charms I like it
Karlee Nussbaum
Kathleen Lewis
Dolores Hackett
Matt Kalas
Jeff Takaki
Ben Battaglia
Andrew Lothian
Chambers Something's Coming
Chamber Singers
Advanced TV Video
Jack Sormaz
Jeff Mondlock
Geoff McDermott
Greg Kubik
The Chicago Bullz Mad World
Sarah Gamalinda
Jeff Mondlock
Jack Sormaz
De la Cru Escape
Reemlee Dhorchowdhury
Lindsay Stevens
Lissette Lopez
Samantha Biamby
Tracey Riley
Regim Thomas
Jackie Eriksson
Duska Kangroga
Nita Thompson
Anna Grig
Stephanie Jacob
Rebecca Lydon
Liana Bran
Moon Troopers Trip to the Moon and return to earth
Christine Mattappillil
Libby Snow
Joe Lewis
Brian Porrett
Ryan Kirby
Kevin Daliva
Will Kirby
Rob Wegley
Ieva Pucinskaite
Sarvne Pucinskaite
Jane Angob
Jean Angob
John Ferguson
Splitty McFerrin Drive
John Splithoff
James and Logan Tamacun
James Puisis
Logan Cascia
True Blue The Rhyme Song
Kathleen Lewis
John Splihoff
Ben Battaglia
Michelle Nitahara Grandes Etude de Paganini no. 6
Michelle Nitahara
Tsukasa Taiko Yamalako
Michelle Nitahara
Michael Nitahara
Trustworthy Almost Honest
Jeff Sontag
Matt Kalas
Kyle Kaminsky
John Splithoff
Andrew Lothian
Gavin O'Broin
Kristin Olsen
Jon Galanis
Erica Hudson
Eric Mangara
John Nichols
Latino Heat Latino Heat
Marissa Sanchez
Daniel Hernandez
Emanuel Delarosa
Betsy Mendez
Lesly Mondragon
Leslie Dineda
Javie Avila
Jose Avila
Fabian Aviia
Hector Goerra
Liana Bran
Jessica Cabrera
Marco Farfan
Skiilyne Silly Song
Andrew Lothian
John Splithoff
Ben Battaglia
Gavin O'Broin
Jon Galanis
The Whirlwind A Pretty Girl is like….
John Ferguson
Chaos Juggling Video In the name of
Scott Sivright
Keegan Snyder
Phil Lewis
Robert Gianini
Titan Poms It's Raining Men
Varsity Titan Poms
Djembe Love Ngoma Penzi (Intermission Act)
Eric Boetcher
Robert Becker
Alex Basak
Coming Together Solos
Jon Galanis
Amy Peck
Ball of Confusion Solo
Zach Herman
Chaos Performance Group
Chris Zhee
Nate Beasley
Christine Mattapallil
Sarah Shu
Suzanne Whitney
Sarah Dunk
Keegan Snyder
Matt Groesch
Hannah Thompson
Peter Jorjorian
Kathleen Lewis
Kevin Daliva
Freshman Act It's the end of the world as we know it
All Interested freshman
Varsity Football Varsity Football players
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dr. Shellard Earns IMEA Outstanding Administrator Award

Dr. Shellard will receive the award on January 30 in Peoria during the IMEA State Festival. IMEA is the largest fine arts education organization in Illinois, representing every level of music education in every discipline. Glenbrook South will also be represented at the festival by 14 students selected to participate among the top-ranked music students in the state.